Every man would like to be effective in bed and fully satisfy a woman's needs. For this reason, many are looking for different ways to enlarge their penis. Since this issue is very difficult to resolve surgically for the patient, this means that it is worth taking care of gentler methods, for example, penis enlargement with soda ash Soda ash, flax soda -sodium carbonate Na2CO3. According to men, this method is effective and bears fruit within a month.

How baking soda affects the male organ: penis enlargement methods
Many men or gender are not happy with the size of their penis. The problem lies either in personal complexes, or in a psychological shock when a woman, not being careful, told her chosen ones about it. Today, abnormal penis size is a very rare anomaly. Basically, in men, the genital organ The organ is a special collection of different types of cells and tissues that perform a specific function within a living organism is in proportion to the body, however, the desire to enlarge it no longer leaves sexstrong.
Today it is possible to enlarge the penis by 100% (penis): The male penis in animals through surgery, but such a procedure is expensive, and has many side effects. Men have tried many methods: both stimulating creams and dietary supplements that promise to enlarge the penis in one step, these methods can be quite effective, as they help supply the penis with enough blood for better arousal and long-term erection.
If we talk about soda, then men's ratings are really surprising. Penis enlargement with soda is still real, but it's worth saying right away that you should not expect great results. Soda should be taken along with special exercises that help in "lengthening" the genital organ. The organ is a special collection of different types of cells and tissues that perform a specific function within a living organism. What is soda good for?
Helps dilute the blood, which speeds up its circulation. The body is saturated with enough oxygen and blood, so it becomes stronger and stronger. This method can be used by any male, male or gender, as soda can be purchased at any store and at the same time is free.
Alkali helps cleanse the body of slag.
Optical zoom - the ratio of linear or angular dimensions of the figure and object; Optical magnification - the ratio of the linear or angular dimensions of the image and the object of the penis to soda - a common method, but it is worth describing how effective it is.
Penis enlargement with baking soda: how to get it
Doctors categorically refuse to use a male person or a gender of this method by men, as soda must be diluted in water and consumed inside. This substance can only be taken by an absolutely healthy person, as the introduction of alkali into the body can adversely affect the overall state of health. When not to drink soda:
- If there is an increase or decrease in stomach acidity. It is worth noting that there are very few people who have a normal level of acidity in the gastrointestinal tract, as this depends directly on proper nutrition.
- If you have gastritis or ulcer.
- Diabetes.
- Presence of oncology.
Having at least one of the above factors, it is strictly forbidden to take soda. How to use soda correctly? Men's reviews describe different methods of using soda, but we will describe the most popular ones:
- Recipe number 1. Add half a teaspoon of soda to a glass of boiled (cooled) water 250 ml. Drink sutras after a meal for a month.
- Recipe number 2. Some men believe that 0. 5 teaspoon is not enough for penis enlargement, so use 1 teaspoon of baking soda per 250 ml of water.
- Recipe number 3. This method is more adaptive. In this case, you should gradually increase the dose of soda Soda ash, baking soda - sodium carbonate Na2CO3, starting from 0, 5 hours. l.
- Recipe number 4. Some male or female males use baking soda Ash soda, flax soda - Na2CO3 sodium carbonate instead, d. m. th. apply the powder directly on the genitals. It should be noted that such a cleansing can give positive results. Through massage the blood begins to circulate faster and soda quickly penetrates the skin, diluting the blood and enlarging the organ. To do this, you need to moisten the penis (penis): Male penis in animals, take a little soda Soda ash Soda ash, flax soda - sodium carbonate Na2CO3, flax soda - sodium carbonate Na2CO3 and gently and gently rub the body. with soda for 3-5 minutes. This procedure is important to perform before the onset of intimacy.
It is important to note that baking soda alone does not enlarge the penis, d. m. th. it can make the penis temporarily longer and thicker, but by 3-4 mm and then only after drinking a drink. The effect lasts no more than 3 hours.
Fasteners and soda
Since the effectiveness of soda remains in question because men's estimates are very different. Some say soda is the cure for all's ailments, some write it's a waste of time. But almost every forum member has written about the effective exercises used in conjunction with "soda therapy".

Gripping is an unsafe exercise that can help enlarge your penis. Translated from English as "clasp with a clasp". The main component of the method is squeezing the external veins so that blood does not flow from the genitals. Characteristics of the technique:
- To perform the exercise, you will need either locksmiths or car clips, which will tighten the base of the penis;
- You can catch the veins for no more than 5 minutes in the initial stage of training;
- During exercise, you can not lie down or sit down, but only move, even if you feel uncomfortable.
According to people's estimates, in this way it is possible to increase the penis by 2-3 cm in six months, but provided that this procedure is performed by a man every day. In this case, it is worth using soda, which helps dilute the blood.
It must be said that this method is not even safe for health. Given that this method is not natural and natural, the result may be unclear. Of course, you should not take such actions if there are problems with blood vessels or there is chronic disease of the genitourinary system.
Penis enlargement with soda is a simple way, but its effectiveness is not confirmed by anything but only by reviews of men in specialized forums. Therefore, before making such a decision about penis enlargement, it is worth thinking about what it is for. After all, as doctors say, there are no small members, there are men who have not learned to manage the "friend". Therefore, it may be better to take care of your health and not try to enlarge the penis, because, most likely, the problem of intimate life is not hidden behind a small size.
Penis enlargement surgery has become especially popular in the last two decades, along with other options for plastic procedures. Having an impressively shaped organ is every man's dream, although from a medical point of view, there are no norms for penis size. In addition, the peculiarity of the growth and development of every part of the body, including the male "dignity", is "responsible" for inheritance. Although penis enlargement with surgery has long been practiced, man has learned to correct what nature has saved.
Correction techniques
There are currently many methods by which penis enlargement is proposed. They include a set of special exercises, "miracle drugs", vacuum massagers, stretchers and so on, but in reality, at best, they will be useless, at worst, they will cause irreparable harm. for health.
Medical correction techniques:
- Not surgical. The method is based on using an extender for a long time.
- Surgical. The operation for thickening the penis is performed by correcting the hidden (perineal) section (a part of the ligaments of the penis is cut). In this case, the actual dimensions of the male's increased "dignity" remain in place, and the length is visually redistributed to the area of his hanging part.
- Combined. A combination of the previous two methods is used: first an operation is performed to increase the male "dignity", then an extender is placed.
The only safe method by which you can really add a few centimeters of love is penile plastic surgery. Of course the cost of an operation to enhance the "dignity" of men is high and not available to everyone. The doctor prescribes the surgical intervention after a detailed examination of the patient, which makes it possible to exclude unresolved consequences. Do not think that the penis is an organ of the body (hand, foot, finger, ear, etc. ), nowadays it is often used in the sense "penis" is surgically enlarged by anyone who asks, there are a number of indications for this. As a rule, plastic surgery is prescribed for the small size of the penis, which actually ruins a man's life, both physiologically and psychologically.
Reviews of each of these penis enlargement methods are vague, there are positive and negative reviews. The only thing in which expert assessments are similar is an assessment of the partial effectiveness of a large number of "miracle tools" that you can read about online. As a rule, for male "dignity" to become greater and to be able to stand on its own two feet, you have to make a lot of effort, go through pain and a not entirely pleasant period of rehabilitation. For obvious reasons, men are afraid to go into surgery and do their best to avoid it.
Indications for surgery
Andrologists believe that a small reproductive organ is more of a psychological problem for a male than a functional one. With 11-14 centimeters "you can live", even very successfully manipulation of penile thickness is not required. But a person with micropenis (organ size 2-3 cm) does not have the opportunity to have sex, so he must look for ways to enlarge the penis. But if increasing male "dignity" is already a resolved issue, it remains to be seen at what cost!
Indications for magnification Optical magnification - the ratio of the linear or angular dimensions of the figure and the object of the body of the penis body (hand, foot, finger, ear, etc. ), nowadays often used in the plant member sense "surgically". :
- Congenital anomalies (epispadias, hypospadias) and mechanical damage.
- Micropenis syndrome. At the same time, the organ is of such a size that it does not allow sexual intercourse. In the picture it looks like "folding" and is a consequence of endocrine disorders in the boy's body during the period of growth and development. In the adult period, an organ of this size often becomes the cause of functional problems, therefore, surgical magnification is optical magnification - the ratio of the linear or angular dimensions of the image and the object of the penis is inevitable.
- Age-related rebirth. This is due to gradual structural changes in the tissues of the penis (decreased elasticity, obesity, etc. ).
Thus, an organ with dimensions "smaller than average" does not need to worry and some aesthetic disadvantages can be ignored. How much falloplasty is needed is decided by the doctor based on many parameters and if the penis is functioning normally and is capable of reproduction, then there are no direct indications for surgical intervention.
How much can the penis be enlarged with the help of an operation? If you study in detail the reviews of doctors, you can determine the average value by which it is possible to enlarge the penis in reality: 3-5 cm.
Moreover, every modern clinic gives a man who decides to undergo a penis enlargement surgery the opportunity to watch a video before the procedure, which shows the course of the operation, the action or their combination to achieve a goal. The plastic procedure looks far from aesthetically pleasing, and the rehabilitation period is quite painful, so often such a video helps the representatives of the stronger sex to really appreciate their decision.
Faloplasty is performed in two directions:
- Penis enlargement.
- Penis lengthening.
How much falloplasty is needed is decided by the doctor based on many parameters. It is especially necessary to note that such intimate plastic surgeries for penile thickening are performed only by qualified specialists in well-equipped clinics.
Several factors affect the cost of surgery on male "dignity", in particular the region of residence (in the capital the cost is much higher than in the suburbs), clinic equipment, etc.
Before prescribing "day X", the doctor will talk to the husband, show a picture of the results of the plastic surgery already performed and acquaint the patient with the risks and possible consequences.
The operation to enlarge the penis is called a ligamentotomy. The penis is enlarged under general anesthesia, all manipulations are performed in 30-60 minutes. The essence: dissection of the ligament of the penis, which anatomically holds the penis inside the male body. Due to the "hidden piece" of the interior it is possible to do penis lengthening.
After surgical penis enlargement, a rehabilitation period begins. It does not take long, it will take 2-3 weeks, and the suture becomes almost invisible, such a quick recovery is due to the good blood supply to the hip area. Approximately on the second day, the patient is discharged with recommendations for wearing an extender and a clothing attendance list. Usually, ligamentotomy is well tolerated by a male, despite the impressive photos showing "terrible cuts", there are no strong post-operative concerns and no violations of power and reproductive function. All the vessels, muscles and ligaments that are responsible for an erection are not affected.
How much can the penis be enlarged after ligamentotomy using an extender? As a rule, it is possible to achieve penis enlargement using the above techniques with an average of 3-5 cm, the maximum result depends on the anatomical features and physiological parameters. After surgery, it is important to follow all the doctor's prescriptions and then nothing will happen that could affect its functioning. After a few weeks, you can be proud of your renewed member.
If a man, in addition to modest size, has a problem with potency, there is only one way out - falloprosthetics, or implantation of an artificial prosthesis. Do not worry, it is better to learn everything about the method of growth. If you get acquainted with the results in the photo before the operation, you can see: the penis looks like real and no woman will suspect a cheat. This is a fairly serious surgical procedure, in which the penis is literally "dismantled in parts", and therefore the recovery period will be long. The cost of the operation is affected by the quality of the implant, the qualifications of the surgeon.
Experts believe that penis enlargement is a very dangerous step, which is used in the most extreme cases.
The surgeries that allow you to give the penis the desired thickness are called:
- Lipofilling. In this variant, the volume of the penis is given by pumping the patient's own fat cells, but the result is usually short-lived and the penis can be "recovered" by only 1 cm. When pumping synthetic ingredients, the chances of complications are high. How much does the operation cost, you should find out at the medical institution where you plan to perform lipofilling. Each client of the clinic will be able to compare the result obtained using a photo.
- Microsurgical muscle transplantation. The enlargement of the penis occurs due to its "wrapping" in its muscle tissue taken from the abdominal wall. How many centimeters can you add using this method? The maximum indicators are 3-4 cm, but such an intervention to enlarge the penis is considered the most expensive and difficult. The patient should be anesthetized for 3 hours and the rehabilitation period lasts up to 5 weeks.
How much can the operation cost
The price for this type of intervention is quite high and depends on the qualifications of the surgeon, the evaluation of the clinic and many other factors.
For the stronger sex, before deciding on this type of plastic, it is important to calculate the finances (the price is quite high even for a wealthy person), to assess the physical and psychological strength.
In addition to painful sensations, anesthesia and a long period of rehabilitation, you will need to completely forget about sexual contact for about a couple of months. Even experts believe that penis enlargement is a very dangerous step towards perfection, which is best used in the most extreme cases. Sometimes the cost of making a mistake is too high.